In ancient times, during the era of DOS (Disk Operating Systems), floppy disks really were floppy; and file names were required to consist of eight characters or fewer. I had labeled a disk “sryandra” short for “S. Ryan, Drive A:.” I thought that Sryandra sounded like a cool name, but too much like a girl’s name, so I put a “ck” at the end of it. Hence the nickname Sryandrack.
I can even remember farther back, using a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) monitor at my local High School back in the 1970’s on a time share computer system where it would take several minutes just to enter one line of code written in the BASIC or ForTran programming languages. The wonders of Technology!
The Blogs that follow on this post shall be primarily about Philosophy and Science, and not about Politics or Religion.