
About Phenomenology

Phenomenology is defined as "Philosophy as a strict science, with an open frame of reference."

The well-known dichotomy of Western Civilization between the Humanities and the Hard Sciences can be resolved by working from an inflection point to be found at the intersection of Philosophy and Physics.

Statements such as: "Time and Space are Relative to the Observer" (Relativity Theory) or, "The Collapse of the Wave-Function occurs at the moment of Observation of the Physical System" (Quantum Mechanics) are not, properly speaking, within the domain of Empirical Science; but need a broader perspective in order to be fully analyzed. Phenomenology encompasses this enlarged arena of discourse.

Is reality Three Dimensional (3-D)? Four Dimensional, Ten or Eleven Dimensional? Is the world composed of Elementary Corpuscles? These are questions that, strictly speaking, are not in the domain of Empirical Science.

Thought structures such as "Superstring Theory" or "Quantum Chromo-Dynamics" keep banging against a glass ceiling of Metaphysics. The number of Dimensions in Space can only be interpreted by the Science of Meta-Geometry, which is a branch of Philosophy.

Philosophy and physics can be brought together through the utilization of the Theoretical Sciences of Logic, Geometry, and Mathematics. Although this material might appear to be written only for the aficianado of Logic and Philosophy of Science; in fact, these discoveries are a major paradigm shift at the very foundations of Contemporary Science.

HYPERMETROPHIA: A Unified Field Theory?

The Holy Grail of the physical sciences might at last have been accomplished. It must be stressed at the outset that HYPERMETROPHIA is not a Unified Field Theory of Physics; that must come later; but a Unified Theory of Fields within Phenomenology, a necessary prior step in the evolution of thinking about these matters. For more information on this book, consult the HYPERMETROPHIA page. The full title of this book is: HYPERMETROPHIA: A Phenomenological Unified Theory of Fields.

Handbook of Logical Validity

This might be the biggest discovery in logic since Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, maybe even bigger than that.

In Formal Logic, what was once a Procrustean Bed of fewer than 100 Formally Derived Deductive Argument Forms is now a plethora of well over 2,700 Deductive Argument Forms. This Logical System is an exponential expansion of the Theorems of Binary Formal Logic and is an enormous advancement at the very foundation of Logic as a Theoretical Science.

Handbook of Logical Validity makes all prior Logic textbooks obsolete. These Valid Argument Forms can be utilized by any writers wishing to make sure their Conclusions are well founded, in any field of knowledge whatsoever. It is a truism of Formal Logic that, once a Deductive Argument Form has been derived, the subject matter inserted into it are irrelevant: As long as the Premises are True, the Conclusion must be True as well. Examples of Subjects that can be inserted into these Argument Forms are: Economics, Jurisprudence, Sociology, Aesthetics, et cetera.

For more information on this book, consult the Handbook of Logical Validity page.

On Making 'Scientific Metaphysical Statements'

Etymologically, the word "Metaphysics" can mean "After-physics" or "beyond and above physics." In his Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics, the Modern German Philosopher Immanuel Kant asks: "How is Metaphysics as a Science possible?" Utilizing the Universal Categorical Quantifier (∀), along with what are called Onto-Monistic Categorical Proposition Types, we are now finally able to construct Scientific Metaphysical Statements. (More information on these types of Logical Statements are provided on the Elementary Logic page as well as the HYPERMETROPHIA page).

"The World is made up not of Indivisible Corpuscles of Substance, but of Infinitesimal Events:"

(∀[.Indivisible Corpusculse of Substance.¬04.Infinitesimal Events.]).

Or: "The World is composed of Infinitesimal Events, rather than Indivisible Corpuscles."

(∀[.Infinitesimal Events.⊄02.Indivisible Corpusculse of Substance.]).

Events exist anyway, as any reasonable person would acknowledge. An example of an Infinitesimal Event is: "One single Photon enters the eye of a conscious human observer."

"This Now Event is Happening."

(∀[.Now Event.⊇10.Happening.]).

The Statement "This Now Event is Happening" is basically a refinement of the famous dictum formulated by Rene DesCartes: Cogito, Ergo Sum (I think, therefore I am).

Perhaps the world is not composed of indivisible corpuscles (Atomism), but is comprised of Infinitesimal Events. The Quantum of Action (h), as a unit of Mass-Energy times Seconds, can be construed as encompassing an Infinitesimal Event (h = 10-34 × Kg. × [Met.2 ÷ Sec.2] × Sec.). The 4-D Space-Time Continuum of the Theory of Relavity is a Set of Events.

The fact of the matter is that the contemporary Science of Physics is in a crisis state. There can be no success to be found in attempting to meld together the Fields of General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics. Any such attempt is futile, simply because the Tensor Calculus of the General Theory of Relativity possesses irreconcilible axioms with the Wave Function of Quantum Mechanics. Further details of this fundamental inconsistency between these two main branches of current Modern Physics will be explored in the forthcoming book, Meta-Scientific Phenomenology.

The Mathematics behind what is happening in Physics nowadays has reached its Baroque/Rococo phase in terms of its complexity. Gigantic particle accelerators are being constructed in order to find a fundamental elementary particle. The implicit fallacy involved here is based on the Theory of Atomism, which holds that the World is Composed of Indivisible Corpuscles of Substance. The Theory of Atomism goes back to the Ancient World, to thinkers such as Leucippus, Democrites, Epicuris, and Lucretious. Yet there were other Ancient Philosophers, such as Heracliitis or Parmenides, who thought differently. Clearly there is a need for a Philosophical Perspective to remove ourselves of this confusion.

Idealistic Philosophy can be combined with the findings of Modern Physics to present a view of the world called "Objective Idealism." This entire structure of thought, when completed, shall aim to unite all knowledge; Scientific, Artistic, and Religious; into one all-encompassing System of Concepts.

Announcing New Developments in Logic, Physics, and Philosophy

These are important innovations at the very foundations of science. This website cannot fully exhibit the flavor of these new scientific notions. Order the books online from the Buy the Books page!

If you are experiencing difficulties understanding the ideas of this website, consult the Elementary Logic page.

More information about the book, Meta-Scientific Phenomenology, which is a work in progress, is provided on the About the Author page.